
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Wearble Art Reveal Part 1

The performances last night and this afternoon were completely successful - thrilling, as always, to be part of the cast, and to complete the pieces created by dancing them.  I only have a couple of back-stage photos to show you right now, but at risk of boring you, will post some of the actual performance photos later in the week.  For now, I give you...
wait for it...
Dragon Gown - artist and model: me  
Our fabulous director (on the left) worked with us for hours rehearsing our routines.  Here 'Leafy' is walking through the first blocking session.
'Leafy' - artist: me; model: Jane


  1. They are both amazing, but the dragon gown really floats my boat.
    More photos definitely! NOT BORING!

  2. I really have enjoyed seeing the design to finished, amazing product! You are artistic and clever - a great combination!!!!!

  3. okay, so wow, sus... you never cease to amaze me with your talents. your dragon is amazing!!


  4. Well .... the pre-action drawing was pretty accurate !
    Love both dresses ! A job wel-done !

  5. What a great way to show garments. They are better on moving people. That said-I'd probably trip. Thanks for commenting on my blog.

  6. Sus, I am again in awe of your creativity and skill!
    guess who won naming the painting for me..........

  7. Dragon Lady (er... dragon gown!) rocks! ;-)

  8. Wonderful! I do love 'leafy'


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