town is small – the only town on a small island...
...accessible only by water or air...
...and 60-plus miles from the nearest community of any size.
here are commercial fishers, for the most part.
just got a new pavement on Main Street this summer.
fall we will be getting a new library.
old library will be closing for good this Friday.
Since long before I moved here the library has
shared space in the 1960’s-vintage municipal building. That's it there on the second floor, left corner.
The night deposit bin. |
Flossy is a frequent visitor. |
The facility is small, crowded, worn, heavily used...
...well loved.
Flossy calls the library the town living room.
The new library will be fabulous when it opens in late September.
Flossy is hoping that there is an position on the staff for official mascot so she can continue to go along with us to check out books as there will be no dogs allowed in the new library, alas.