
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Melissa Bolton's Archetype Test

Recently, Denise at Grrl+Dog had a good post about archetypes, along with a link to a little self-test created by Melissa Bolton which one can take to determine ones own archetype
I love a good self-test and Monday evening, gave the branding archetype thing a go.

detail: work in progress, acrylic collage on 130 lb watercolor paper

 I was not surprised by the outcome of my test.  Turns out my top archetypes are:

view from the End of the Road on Friday

Melissa Bolton's branding archetype test is fascinating, and I have only scratched the surface of exploring the uses of this new-found lens for viewing my work and my world.  
Off to the town and the MMDJ.  Happy Wednesday, All!


  1. Love where this painting is going, look forward to seeing it completed! Have a great rest of the week. xo

  2. Getting a wonderful ferruling here today. I feel your passionate creative nurturer. Thank you.

  3. oops:0 I meant feeling, not ferruling:)

  4. Interesting Sus, looking for a link now. And also looking forward to seeing more of that painting...

  5. MMMMM love the painting close up!
    I had a little peak at Melissa Bolton's test but I'll have paper and pencil in hand this evening. I'll let you know the results. Fascinating stuff.
    How was the MMDJ today? I've been on the computer or playing with grand girls today. Not much painting going on these days. xoxo Carole


  6. ha! Well funny we all seem to turn up as creators, but the econdary ones are so much more illuminating. Passionate, huh?

  7. This sounds really interesting, will check out the link and give it a go.

  8. I have printed off the archetype self test - thanks for sharing this.
    And good luck with your own adventure, Susan.
    Paint Paint Paint.

  9. love your end of the road and your new work looks already beautiful!
    Now I would love to know about my archetypes, this sounds great!
    Best wishes x Stefanie


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