This moving deal is not for sissies.
My studio is going into boxes and dresser drawers for the barge to Seattle. |
Among other things, disruption and dismantling of familiar spaces has me off my usual schedule of posting and visiting around Blogland.
Flossy's studio bed is tucked under the oak table which will remain behind in this place. |
I am grateful for the fact that my dear friend and artist accomplice Pia will be making this beloved room her studio.
Things I am leaving behind for Pia accumulate in one corner. |
I have been working in this room for 15 years.
Today Pia and I are going to be collaborating on our wearable art pieces, working together in what is now, briefly, OUR studio.
My Sea Altar wearable art creation, waiting for the finishing touches. The runway is Saturday night. |
Have you made any major moves lately?
Moving is emotional, exciting, complicated and full of opportunities for simplification.
Bear with me, Gentle Readers, as I remain (for now) on task, but off schedule.
I believe that as stellar and fabulous as life here has been, the best is yet to come!